Here is the NCAA rule and High School rule in Texas. Note that it is only applies to the Team B player. Team B player is not always the defensive player.
1. When a Team B player intercepts a forward pass, fumble or backward pass or catches a scrimmage or free kick between his five-yard line and the goal line and the runners original momentum carries him into the end zone, where the ball is declared dead in his teams possession, the ball belongs to Team B at the spot where the pass or fumble was inter-cepted or the kick was caught (A.R. 8-5-1-V-VII).
2. When a Team B player recovers an opponents fumble, backward pass, scrimmage kick or free kick between his five-yard line and the goal line and the runners original momentum carries him into the end zone, where the ball is declared dead in his teams possession, the ball belongs
to Team B at the spot where the fumble, backward pass or kick was recovered (A.R. 8-5-1-V).