Originally Posted by Big Slick
There is also some realignment of local associations.
It will be interesting to see who and how this plays out. There is one pretty high profile situation openly played out on Facebook and openly stating that a commissioner of an association with rising registration numbers (while most others are declining) was "fired" for not being sufficiently supportive of the current President and Executive Director versus the needs of his association.
That one scenario (if not others that I'm not aware of) was made public enough by the Facebook postings that ASA felt the need to make a
PR statement and news release (
Information on ASA USA Softball) to counter public opinion.
Most large organizations tolerate contrarian views, it helps them get a read on what other options could be considered, if nothing else; some even welcome those thoughts. Previously (and probably to their detriment, as much of the old guard appears to have little knowledge or concern of what their membership wants), the Board of Directors never supported replacing Commissioners without substantial cause (missing funds, charged with a crime); probably because it made their own positions more secure. So, although some (including at least two on this board) with much lesser positions serving at the whim/will of a Commissioner have been shown the door, this is a relatively new process (at least in that one situation).
It has always been very difficult to get ASA to consider any new ideas. I'm afraid this, if accurate, will silence more and others with fresh and contrarian views. Rebranding won't fix that, or the perception.