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Old Tue Oct 20, 2015, 04:49pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
Is it any more a loophole than the tied up player calling an excessive TO to avoid a 5 second count in the front court? Or on a throw in? I've never seen either of those actually happen -- has anyone? (Of course, there was the famous Webber play, but that was back when a T was also a TO.)
Huh? Do you resume a 5-second count after the time-out? How are the 2 situations related?

Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
I doubt there will be much concern about changing the rule unless there is a real incident -- how often is it really going to make sense to call that TO?
How about this. Team A up 3 points, gains BC possession with 15 seconds remaining. Team B knocks ball OOB in BC with 7 seconds left in game, and 2 seconds left on 10-second count. Team A then takes an excessive time-out.

You don't think that would benefit Team A?
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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