Originally Posted by CecilOne
If a BR still in the box contacts a fair batted ball, I don't think the BR is out (see bold). Else, someone pour me more coffee.
Cite the rule that supports your statement, please. I will cite 8.2-F(4) in ASA as calling the BR out (by making contact with a fair batted ball before reaching first base", and further state that the definition of Foul Ball (F) only covers a batted ball that touches the batter, NOT a batted ball that the BR contacts. Further 8.1-A makes that person a BR, no longer a batter, "as soon as the batter legally hits a fair ball"; fair without regard to being in or out of the batter's box.
So which rule can you cite that supports the BR initiating contact with a fair batted ball while still in the box creating a foul ball?