Originally Posted by jmkupka
so, if you're envisioning my description, can you see a potential intentional INT?
Or is that running lane a sanctuary...
Without those verbal and visual cues, I feel the BR would've stayed in fair ground the whole way.
Don't want to be one of those who keep asking the same question after it's been answered...
Nothing new has been added by the semantical differences of the last few statements (by two individuals that are fully determined to disagree with each other because they can). The batter-runner is entitled to run in the running lane without jeopardy unless he/she commits a specific act to interfere. You are still looking for someone to agree that you can infer (and therefore rule) she is doing what she MAY DO WITHOUT COMMITTING INTERFERENCE because it benefits her, and that could be interference; no one should rightfully agree.
It is simply smart baserunning. She did what she could legally do without committing an act that is interfering. Kudos to her. Next.