This may be further muddied by the fact that a BR can overrun first base and a runner may overrun home plate. At second and third bases, the runner would need to maintain contact with the base or risk being tagged out if s/he were to go past or lose contact with the base.
We had a play at the plate a while back where the catcher went to retrieve an overthrow on the first base side. He got the ball and saw the runner trying to score. They both did a head first dive to the plate. These were two big guys and I was surprised both walked away apparently uninjured.
The call by my partner at HP was runner out due to crashing into the fielder. Someone ended up being ejected - not sure if it was the runner or his coach. After the game, partner was proud that he got his "first ejection of the season".
I told him I disagreed with his call and the ejection. The EJ happened because he didn't just walk back to his position after the discussion but rather followed the ejectee to further aggravate him.
Glad this umpire is no longer with our association.
USA & NFHS Softball