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Old Fri Sep 25, 2015, 11:48am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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I don't think the rule books are really definitive on this, but I would share some thoughts.

1) It is our responsibility to check the field (and we often don't) to make sure the field is per requirements, as well as safety. Not knowing the box is drawn improperly really isn't an acceptable answer. The fact that he didn't even know the proper dimensions is even more unacceptable; his "measurement" wasn't horrific in my opinion, but his following statement was. I can't say my shoe is exactly 12" long, but I know it isn't 9" or 18".

2) If the box is drawn improperly, you have two realistic options; a) get it redrawn, or b) rub out the inaccurate lines and play just as you will from the second inning on, anyway, using your judgment in the absence of clear lines. But that should have happened before the start of the game. Doing the field inspection (and ending up at a plate meeting), perhaps the base umpire could have noted the inaccurate box? Link, if that was you, your fault as much as his, you are a "crew". (I guess I am assuming 2 man in your area.)

3) This OP may be different only because the ball was batted foul, and there is no real consequence for killing the play with a dead ball, but, if you "undo" the out (and I am leaning to that is the right thing to do), how would you treat a fair batted ball when a) you have killed the play before an out or safe is clear, b) you cannot unring that bell, anymore than you can make an incorrectly called foul ball retroactively fair, c) the batter has completed her at-bat according to the rules, so putting her back in the box with a do-over is not an option?? Seems to me your legitimate options (not to include a "make everyone happy half-ass solution) are to award the batter first base and advance forced runners only if you undo the out call, or maintain the out call.

No matter what, you have put both teams in jeopardy by NOT DOING YOUR JOB to begin with. But, this OP had an easy solution putting no one at a disadvantage; it's a foul ball, play on!!

4) There are times we have to use the lines as drawn; we cannot expect every foul line to be completely accurate, nor have them redrawn every time they are not. And we simply cannot use judgment to overrule the line (unless the ball hits the base or the foul pole). And if the pitcher's circle is off, the lines that everyone can see is the only fair way to judge lookback rule. But, I wouldn't extend the running lane to the batters box if someone drew it that way, any more than I would say there is no running lane if it wasn't drawn. So, we have to know when the line is the only proper way to rule, and when it isn't.

In my opinion, in this case (foul batted ball), the PU should have accepted the additional information (box is wrong) same as "yes, pulled foot", corrected and moved on. Maybe you eat the fair ball, but this was an easy fix.
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