Originally posted by tnroundballref
Did you know before you went to the tourney that there would be a mercy rule? If you did, why are we even having this discussion. I would suggest that you take into consideration the mercy rule before you make arrangements to go to any tournaments. If you didn't know, I would suggest that you make it a priority to ask the tourney director if they will be using the mercy rule prior to registration. There are lots of tournaments for you to choose from. If you don't like the way a touney is set up, there are other tournaments that will probably accomadate. I guess my point is, ask before you go and if it's not the type tourney you are looking for....keep looking.
TN Roundball
Yes, I knew this in advance. No, it would not keep me from attending a tournament. I have expressed here that I prefer the NCAA FT rules to the NFHS, but it doesn't cause me to look only for tourneys that do NCAA rules. This forum has raised the issue of the point spread rule, and I am voicing an opinion that I believe it inappropriate for a national championship tourney.
Nevada - I understand that there are many participants. All but the teams are paid, the teams are paying to play. So I don't frankly care too terribly much what the scorers, timers, refs, etc., think of blowout games. Not trying to be harsh, it's just that the HS teams that ran our gyms are funding their program for the year and the refs are getting paid and good experience. And we are providing the cash and the experience.
Your best case is the issue of injuries. I know that I have gotten players hurt in blowout games and you hate to see it happen. But I also get them hurt in practice and in overtime of tight games. I actually liked the running clock when ahead and I had two games that day because it rested my players for the afternoon. But I would prefer the rule not be used. Had we not had the running clock, I would have given some of my bench players a real good run in the 2nd half, which helps the players and the team. As for coaches that don't know how to use blowouts to their advantage, they have many issues to deal with and rules won't help them. We don't make rules to save teams from themselves with respect to poor coaching or lack of discipline. The best coaches are always coaching, the best teams are always learning.