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Old Mon Sep 21, 2015, 04:55pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
Sure I have. That's kind of irrelevant.

He said 1) he had one with some contact; and 2) he told coach there was no contact.

Don't lie to a coach and call it judgement just to avoid a protest. I think this is good advice. Maybe you disagree... but its completely clear that he lied to the coach on purpose, and called it judgement so he had a way out. This is ethically wrong.
I do not think it is irrelevant. I think officials have and will BS their way through a rule by telling a coach something that they are unsure about. And lying does not mean he was sure or he would have stood by what he originally thought. It is clear to me he was not very clear and just wanted the discussion to stop as he stated.

And yes I have lied to a coach about seeing the same thing when we have decided that we are going one way because IMO it is not the business of the coach to know what I am really thinking if I have not made a call or not. Not that it happens all the time in baseball, but in basketball I have had many double whistles and have something different from my partner, but tell the coach I had the same thing. I am not selling out my crew or my partner so that the coach can undermine us later. I will say what I need to say so that the conversation will end and we will move on and any disagreement with my partner will take place behind closed doors, not in front of the coach or on the field/court. If you do not do it that way, that is your right. I just would not want to do that and sometimes we need to discuss the situation at another time.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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