Obstruction is the act of the defensive team member that hinders or impedes a
batter's attempt to make contact with a pitched ball or that impedes the progress of a runner or batter-runner who is legally running bases, unless the fielder is in possession of the ball or is making the initial play on
unless the fielder is in possession of the ball-- this fielder is not in possession of the ball and is in the runners path hindering her path to the base......
8.4.3 SITUATION D: F2, without the ball is blocking home plate. R1 pushes F2,
but not flagrantly, out of the base path and touches home plate. RULING: The
umpire would call obstruction and signal a delayed dead ball. Since the runner
reached home safely there would be no award given. (2-36)
above case book is at home but I would think it stands for any base ?????