Thread: Arbiter, et al
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Old Wed Sep 16, 2015, 05:55am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by JugglingReferee View Post
What do you have that Arbiter doesn't? (aka feature comparison)
I don't actually use Arbiter. All orgs I officiate with use Reftown. So, my comparison with Arbiter's specific content is not form direct knowledge but from what I've been told it has or doesn't have. I like to keep it that way so I can't be accused of copying something they have.

I have a lot of things related to running an organization beyond the basic game assigning stuff. I offer a lot of flexibility in how you can do things and customization options in how things work, apparently more than is commonly found.

There are several communications options such as feedback/evaluation forms, surveys, ballots, some basic media support. We have payroll calculations with true direct deposit and 1099 creation/e-distribution. We have several export/import options including the ability to export many types of data out to Excel, modify it in mass, and then bring it back in.

While it isn't a full featured web site hosting system, we also provided a way for you to customize the site's content in a way that it can replace a general website for many organizations. You basically make your own pages with whatever you want on them.

You can keep past season's data around while not being restricted on how you change your configuration for a new season.

More than anything, what I often hear is how much easier it is to use, even from people that are new to it after coming from from another system they have used for a few years. The site organization is, according to what I hear from customers, far more intuitive that others. The ability to move around the site from one piece of data to another is extensive....things are heavily cross linked. The workflow is efficient and orderly.

I've also been told that our pages load faster. That isn't a big deal for the average official but it is for an assignor.

AND...we're a LOT cheaper.
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Last edited by Camron Rust; Wed Sep 16, 2015 at 05:57am.
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