Thu Aug 20, 2015, 10:02pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 262
Originally Posted by cbailey
For me, it's more about the catcher giving me a pitch that I can call a strike. If he's moving his glove all over, chances are he's not getting a strike. If he can stick a pitch, even if it's a little out of the zone, he's giving me a pitch I can call a strike.....it doesn't guarantee a strike, but it gives him a much better chance. Other things come into the consideration as well......consistency of a pitcher, is he hitting his spots, etc. It's not just about the strike zone......if the catcher sets up inside, but has to reach outside for a pitch, it's a ball, even if it catches the outside corner. That's not a pitch that I can sell as a strike.