Originally posted by coachz
i saw a weird one today in a girls 10u tournament game
the home plate ump cleaned the plate by tilting it up then he replaced it about 6" up the first base line.
the pitcher was having a little trouble throwing strikes and one of her coaches asked the ump between pitches if he would move the plate back to the proper position.
the umps response was to ask the coach to move to the other end of the dugout.
he actually left the plate out of position until after a play at the plate , when he cleaned the base again, and moved it to its proper location.
I've moved a plate before, but that is because it had moved out of position through the players stepping on it. Are you sure he didn't actually move it back into proper position?
I know this was 10U, but shouldn't the pitcher be taught to throw to the glove, not the plate?
And last, but not at all the least part of my personal opinion as many on this board know, is that 10U may a bit early in the learning stages to be playing in tournaments or for championships.
[Edited by IRISHMAFIA on Jul 28th, 2003 at 03:27 PM]