Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Fortunately for us, the only slow pitch we umpire is Special Olympics which does not have players who still think they are playing in the Major Leagues. Special Olympics sports are a special brand of athletics that if one has not had a chance to experience then by all means contact your nearest S.O. office and volunteer. I truly believe that one will not regret it.
MTD, Sr.
Mark....my apologies. I did not pick up from your post that the only SP you worked was Special Olympics.
I have worked SO here in AZ a number of times in the last few years. Our ASA State UIC is a part of the SO State Games Planning team and organizes the entire Softball State Games for SO.
I second your opinion that everybody needs to volunteer and work Special Olympics at least once. The only time I ever had a batter give me a high five after striking out.
Great experience!