My $.02.
As a general rule, I think umpires should be free to wear whatever they feel they need to be comfortable. At the same time, I think there are way too many that are judgmental about umpires that choose to wear LESS than others, and are comfortable with that.
All that said, I also have never been challenged by a batted ball in slowpitch; at any level, even if Special Olympics. Pitched balls that bounce; hell, yeah. Foul balls, foul tips; just like fastpitch, in the slot, up as tight as the catcher allows, and dropped to a set, never even been close.
If you have foul balls whizzing by your head, get in the slot, move up as best the catcher allows, and drop to a set with eyes at the top of the zone. It will not only keep you from being hit, but will help your strike zone to be balls that actually drop thru the zone, not based on where balls land. Don't be the guy standing fully upright and straddling the catcher and plate.
Except Darryl, he can probably never drop to that level. Sorry, azbigdawg, just have to call you out on this.