Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Several college conferences now pay on a tier system. It is a way to entice top quality officials to work their games. I believe that competition at the HS level for the best officials would be positive.
Not a bad idea in theory, but difficult to put into practice because the "competition" you refer to would be subject to a great deal of nepotism and corruption. Heck, that already exists in many places. If you start adding in tiered varsity pay scales as opposed to just the usual V/JV split then you'll see that much more jackassery.
There are a lot of good and fair assignors out there, but unfortunately there are some that aren't.
NCAA officials at all divisions get evaluated pretty much every game. VHS officials maybe get evaluated 1-3 times per year. It would be hard to accurately rack-and-stack officiating talent for purposes of a tiered pay system with such a minute sample size of observations.