Originally Posted by Rich
Some schools will hire the cheaper officials in a system like this.
A varsity slot in a game should pay a certain fee. If a person is qualified to work that position, he or she should be paid the fee.
I'm sure that some schools will hire the lower tier officials in an attempt to save money, but I'm also certain that other schools will strive to only hire the top-tiered guys. Additionally, there would be some rather unhappy parents and perhaps coaches when it comes out that school X is purposely not hiring the best available officials, especially if a kid gets injured. The AD won't like answering to that probe.
Several college conferences now pay on a tier system. It is a way to entice top quality officials to work their games. I believe that competition at the HS level for the best officials would be positive.
I'm absolutely positive that due to the shortage of officials at the HS level, assignors are sometimes forced to put people on games for which they aren't truly qualified, so just going by the criterion of "if assigned" won't cut it.