Nevada, there used to be 3 tiers, now its down to 2. Certified and approved.
The major difference is based on a test that is made up from the LHSAA office.
The 3 tiers were 70-79 Registered, 80-89 approved and 90-100 certifed.
Now its two being 70-84 registered and 85-90 certified.
I think the rationale is basically get in the rule book, learn the rules and you will be compensated. A few years ago, they implemented a meeting percentage requirement along with a mandatory camp that must be attended once every 2 years.
This was in response to making the officials better trained and more accountable in order to justify the raise that was given in 2010. But it was also in response to punish officials bc we didnt work one night during the season in response to them voting down the raise to begin with.