Originally Posted by Linknblue
What's the logic here? Lineup cards and rosters.
Why do we emphasize turning in a correct lineup card and have the coach double check it before it's accepted only to find out later in the game he forgot to write a name down as a substitute.
We now "forget" the official lineup card and allow him to "add" a player as long as they are on the roster.
This sort of make the "official approved lineup" mute if it can be changed.
I'm of the school, that what you turn in is what you use once you've been given a chance to double check it for accuracy.
What's the logic of allowing modifications to lineup cards after approval?
Because an eligible player doesn't lose eligibility simply because their name is not listed as a possible substitute.
Don't confuse the line-up card with the line-up. While the line-up card is the official document, the line-up is with what we are concerned.