Sat Jul 26, 2003, 07:38am
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by coachz
i saw a weird one today in a girls 10u tournament game
the home plate ump cleaned the plate by tilting it up then he replaced it about 6" up the first base line.
the pitcher was having a little trouble throwing strikes and one of her coaches asked the ump between pitches if he would move the plate back to the proper position.
the umps response was to ask the coach to move to the other end of the dugout.
he actually left the plate out of position until after a play at the plate , when he cleaned the base again, and moved it to its proper location.
Welcome to the forum.
I agree that it is a shame the umpire did not place the plate in it's proper relation to the rest of the fieldthe umpire displayed poor judgment in responding to the coach/manager request.
Further, it is unfortunate that home plate was moveablethat the tournament administrators refused to acknowledge the need for suitable facilitiesthat more volunteers are not available/willing to assist in the overall managment of tournaments.
A misaligned home plate would make me crazy!