Originally Posted by Andy
PS...this still doesn't give a coach the right to "go nuts". If the actions of the coach toward your partner are warranting you having to get between them, I'd say that coach needs to leave. In this situation, I would certainly allow coach a bit more leeway, but there is still a line that can't be crossed.
This is an interesting point. So the coach crosses the line to the point where you think you need to get between he and your partner. But your partner hasn't tossed him. I'm not really sure what I'd do here, but I'm pretty sure it would not be to toss the guy arguing with my partner. Besides looking weird it creates a bad mechanic in terms of how we get rid of the coach. Generally, the ump who didn't throw him out can get him off the field easier, but in this case I couldn't see either umpire having much luck with that.
So I'm thinking there is a point at which I'd probably go Linknblue's route and try and get my partner some space but I've never really thought this through. Thoughts?