Originally Posted by teebob21
I only wish society agreed with this sentiment. I tend to judge all "head jewelry" (ears, nose, etc) dangerous...seeing a girl at 3B get hit in the ear and have a stud earring driven into her skull bone will do that. They had to remove it with pliers.
Well, "tending to judge" is a lot different than "mandating" in this case.
There are many safety items for players in the form of batting helmets, face guards (although still not regulated as far as I know by NOCSAE), catcher's gear, braces, padding, etc.
Yet the game still poses injury risks. Given that, the game allows batters to swing as hard as they can with a defender a foot or two away from them. Players at most age groups are allowed to utilize metal spikes. Head-first slides are not prohibited. Collisions between players, while not commonplace, are not unheard of.
I will ask wreck league batters to remove wrist-watches. Even this is getting a bit trickier because some of these devices are now heart monitors and/or "fitbits". I had 16U girl's team member come to the plate with what I thought was a cell phone in her back pocket. Turned out to be an insulin pump.
Should adult coaches be required to wear helmets, or remove their earrings? Could have easily been a coach struck in the ear and in need of pliers during his/her ER visit.
Let common sense prevail, although I'll admit it may not be very common at times.