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Old Mon Jul 13, 2015, 10:39am
youngump youngump is offline
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Originally Posted by Linknblue View Post
Here's one that happened this weekend. Bases empty. Batter hits long fly ball. I'm BU and am breaking inside on the hit. I glance at ball and see it bounce about 4 feet high on first bounce. My first inclination is that it's a bounce over fence but I really don't know cuz it's just a glance. My partner doesn't signal HR but he doesn't call dead ball, double either. Off Coaches are yelling it's a home run and Def Coaches are yelling it hit right at base of the temp fence and went under it. My partner asks me. I give him no help cuz I simply don't know for sure. Now we're in a situation!!!
I think you need to stop at this point, when you're in a minor situation and get it fixed as best you can. (It's soon to be a full on mess if your partner proceeds as he did.) Your partner must not have been too experienced since he called nothing on a ball sitting 15 feet past the fence so telling him "I got nothing for you" and sending him off to figure it out on his own may not have been the best approach.
I think you agree on the call before you split up and then you're going to be largely stuck with it unless somehow you find a way to get an acceptable source of more information.
My preference would be to call the coaches together and break the news to them at the same time. One's going to be happy and one is not, but that seems nicer then breaking up the conference with a signal of home run and watching the DC go nuts.
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