Talk about turning something so simple on its ear.
Who has stated anything about not checking the location of the ball? The answer would be no one.
There are many fields where the BU would have to go out on every ball, including a grounder to the OF simply because of the possibility of a ball leaving play.
Instead, it is more efficient to offer options when something preventing the fielder from playing the ball occurs. Otherwise, the fielder may be forced to play the ball prior to anyone being able to determine the ball's status.
It is not coaching, it is not laziness, it is providing relief due to a deficiency of the grounds on which the game is being played. IOW, special ground rules which is covered in the rule books.
BTW, many tournaments, NQ, RQ, NT & NC are being played by all associations on fields which are not enclosed. I will contend that you are less likely to have arguments or claims by either team if you provide them with direction of how to handle a condition that should not exist than if you keep them in the dark.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.