Originally Posted by Andy
Play: ASA rules. No runners on, 1 out. X -2 count on the RH batter. Pitch is not in the strike zone, batter moves bat off of her shoulder, but was not close to a swing. PU rings batter up saying she swung.
3rd base coach takes objection and want to discuss swinging third strike call with PU. PU comes to BU (me) and says, "she held up that swing, didn't she?" I tell PU that I did not have a swing. PU asks how we should handle it. My answer was that we eat the call and stay with the strike. My reasoning in that moment was that I don't want any coach thinking they can appeal a swinging strike called by the PU. I have had some other umpires I respect tell me we should have reversed the call since it was so obviously wrong.
Ouch, but if I am PU, I have to eat that call. Same as the call I have to eat if I ring up the batter on strikes with a pitch across the chin or shins.
Also, I've made this call. I ate it. It did not taste good, but I learned when in doubt on a short swing that fools me, ball the pitch and go for help. Sometimes even before the catcher can ask. I don't know if this is an approved mechanic in any code I work, but I've never yet had a problem with it.