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Old Thu Jun 25, 2015, 07:00pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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1. On a $50 game fee a 4% raise is $2.
2. NV has about 1500 officials in the entire state for all sports.
3. Say that there are 2,000 basketball games in a season. Perhaps half are 3-person. So $6 more per game for those and around $4 more for the 2-person contests. That's $10K. Of course, doing this for all sports will come out to much more than $20K, which is my point. The schools were happy to collude with the ED to stonewall the officials as it was well worth it to them to pay him a portion of what they should have been paying the officials. They saved a bunch of money and he made an extra $60K over three years. The La people better do some research and know what they are encountering.
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