Originally Posted by SWFLguy
The 3-umpire system is great and not nearly as complicated as many seem to think it is.
I got burned working 3 man in a high school play-off game. I was U3 and a rotation situation came up. I moved over to second to make a call. The ball gets loose, the runner at second breaks for 3rd. I look at 3rd and see no one there. Ended up having to make a close call at 3rd in bad position. Later I ask PU what happened. He said he moved to 3rd, but noticed that U1 umpire never moved, so he held back to cover a possible play at the plate. Also later checking with 1B and he says to me that he is never to cover home. Swell. Yes, it works when everyone knows what they are to do.
How did this part not come up in the pregame?? Never mind, obviously there was no pregame, even though it is clear at least one member of the crew had no idea of his responsibilities.
Look, I admit most of my pregames are of the "Any questions?" variety, with a discussion of two or three finer points; but that's when I'm working with umpires that I
KNOW know the routine parts. I refuse to repeat who has fair/foul and that we bracket foul balls ad nauseum. But I also think it is the entire crew's fault when you get to the point that U1 doesn't believe he ever covers the plate.
Mostly the crew chief's failure, he is to lead a pregame, but I'm not walking out of the locker room with a crew that I don't know absent some knowledge of their coverage. I may walk out knowing that I have to cover for one or both, but I would know that before we start.