Originally Posted by ballgame99
On that first example you clearly have a violation AND a foul. So based on what we talked about yesterday, since the FT was missed you would call the violation and reshoot with the lane cleared, then address the foul, either baseline OOB or shooting bonus. The second example the contact/violation is very close to being dead ball, but I think you call it the same way.
We will have to see what guidance, if any, they give us. Normal violation rule by defense during FT is that ball remains live. penalize any other foul that occurs. If FT missed shoot replacement throw first. as we discussed.
When the violation and foul occur at FT line they are very close in time. body goes over the line and crash into FT shooter right away. I could see them, as Billy has set out a few times, saying penalize the violation and not the foul unless intentional….we will just have to see.