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Old Fri Dec 29, 2000, 01:32pm
Bfair Bfair is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 813
Moose, I'm not really talking about those plays we blow because we failed to recognize them in time. I think we all have had and somewhere down the road will likely have more of those. Hopefully they will be infrequent and diminish with all umpires as they gain further experience.

What I am talking about is knowingly overlooking infractions where advantages are gained---POSSIBLY in attempt to follow avenue of least resistance (best put by Dave). I just think too much is being overlooked and it is beginning to fester. I have seen several posts on other issues dealing with TECHNIQUES TAUGHT that press the rules and fairness of the game. If WE don't control it, who will?
And beyond that, the negative on the young official who makes the tough call and runs the risk of being penalized for it in his career.

Perhaps it is just my poorer judgement vs. those who may have advanced farther. That certainly is a very valid possiblity. But I feel things like the Pro incidents likely disprove that. I think many would agree the incidents were flagrant and the rules should have been better enforced. I find it hard to think that all would not agree that the indcidents became bad examples for amateurs.

To Peter I say, it's a shame differences in opinions seem to grow into obvious likes and dislikes among people on the net. I try to view it more as philosophical differences. I am certain I have already developed my enemies despite fact I do not personally attack people. I think some fall upon that behavior when they are not as successful as they would like to be in selling their opinions. Note my second post of this thread. The original LACK of response made me think it was time to re-evaluate myself. At least I am willing to admit I can be wrong in my opinions. Some may not be so willing, and some may not ever be wrong. Who knows? The continued responses, though, have provided me more support.
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