Thread: WCWS Softball
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Old Wed Jun 03, 2015, 09:01am
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Rich Rich is offline
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I know that the two sports are very different, but I had an amusing thing happen in a baseball game this week.

The visiting team wanted to be in the front of the box. Of course there were no lines (I'm not sure if they were there at the beginning of the game -- probably so, cause I would've noticed that otherwise). The lines tend to disappear quickly in baseball and with the absence of slap hitters and very few drag bunts, it's really not a big deal.

From the opening pitch, some dad in the stands started in about this. I was amazed that someone outside the fence would care so much about this. Frankly, it's unusual that right handed hitters in baseball want to get closer to the pitcher unless he's a junk-baller, which this pitcher was not.

Anyhow, it took 5 innings before the assistant coach politely asked me about the box. I politely replied that the box extends 3 feet from the midpoint of the plate and IMHO the batters were in the front of the box, not in front of it. Knowing the conversation wasn't going to go anywhere, he smiled and said, "It's no big deal," and we moved on. I think he was provoked into asking about it by the dad. I'll talk with assistants if it's cordial and it never was anything but.

The guy behind the fence kept it up the entire game. Once a batter started to say something to him and I quickly pounced on that and told him that I heard the guy for 4 innings already and I haven't said anything, so neither will you. He said, "Sorry, sir," and we moved on.
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