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Old Thu Jul 24, 2003, 11:51am
Lotto Lotto is offline
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee Jeff had the right call. NFHS rule 2-10-5 has corresponding language in NCAA rules--"Points,scored,consumed time and additional activity,which may occur prior to the recognition of an error,shall not be nullified". That means that you are always going to shoot the FT's for the 2nd foul,by rule.
Right..."additional activity" covers the 2nd foul. I agree that we're going to shoot both sets of free throws. But...
You then simply take the occurences in the order that they happened. You go back and let A shoot the 2 FT's for the original B foul,with no one on the lane lines. Then you line them up,and let B shoot the FT's that they have coming.If B wasn't in the bonus,then you would give them the ball OOB after A has finished shooting their 2 correctible FT's.
How do you square this with rule 2-10-4, which tells us that "When an error is corrected, play shall be resumed from the point of interruption to correct the error, unless the correction involves awarding merited free throw(s) and there has been no change of team possession since the error was made. In that case, play shall resume as after any normal free throw."
Note that you have already given Team A the ball OOB after the original Team B intentional foul.Why would you even think of giving them the ball OOB again at the point of correction? That would be 2 OOB's awarded for 1 foul.
Because that's what 2-10-4 seems to be telling us to do. Shooting the free throws for the 2nd foul is going back to the point of interruption, which 2-10-4 tells us not to do.

What if there were no 2nd foul, but rather a timeout by team A. What would you do after the merited free throws are shot because of the correction? Based on what rule?
See NFHS casebook play 2.10.6SIT(b). It's close to the play above.
I don't have NF rule books. Would someone be willing to type that case in for me?
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