Originally Posted by Dakota
If you have 8U teams that can get 6 innings completed in a 75 minute time limit, we are talking about a different level of skill.
Oh, no: trust me, they're pretty terrible. Nothing even close to travel ball. Coach pitch, no stealing; catching and fielding seems somewhat optional.

Rec youth league with player-friendly accommodations and a 5-run rule.

It's basically kids slowpitch, now that I sit down with a beer or three and I think about it.
Still, this was the first 6 inning game of the year despite the officiating issues I asked about...most of them only get to 3 or 4 innings inside the time limit even with a run rule. Maybe that's what bothered me about the umpiring so much. This was supposed to be the best 20 or so players in the division, and they were all playing lights-out, but neither team was getting a fair shake for the "rules" calls. Judgment was fine, for the most part, but you don't see that many bangers at this level.
Heck, this year I have had games at the HS level where I would kill for a 10% strike rate....Funny that you mention leaps & jumps at the lower levels: I am teaching (poorly) my daughter pitching basics, and out of the blue yesterday she started crow-hopping! I shut that down in a hurry! I think we are on the same page about the habitual/procedural illegal pitches, though. Thanks for the civil discourse.