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Old Wed May 20, 2015, 09:25pm
robbie robbie is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
NSA actually doesn't say whether this is a live ball or dead ball. It's silent on the subject (Rule 8-8-x). Elsewhere in the book it says that when things aren't specified in the NSA book, go by NFHS rules. LBR is a dead ball in every other rule set.
True, it does not say either way.
What it does say is:
"... will result in the runner being declared out." (As you stated - Rule 8-8-x)
That leaves no reason for the umpire to declare a dead ball as well as the out.
In fact the LBR is NOT mentioned in Rule 9 Section 1 which is "The ball is dead and not in play:"
Again, no justification to rule dead ball.

And for the edification of anyone reading your post as education; NO, In NSA there is NO default to NFHS (or any other) rules.
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