Originally Posted by ajmc
Not that I disagree with the assessment that NFHS rules are short of perfect clarity, but when 99+% can understand what was intended by what was written, the onus shifts to that sparse minority, who insists on seeing things differently, to rethink the wisdom of their conclusions.
I'm sensitive to this because I've done copy editing, including some legal stuff for lawyers + much instructional stuff, and also because I have Fed's older material to compare to. Until ~35 yrs. ago, going back apparently to the 1940s, Fed had clearly gone thru an effort to clean their football rules up & keep them clean. NCAA even adopted some of their language because Fed led the way in clarifying it. Then they lapsed. In this case the problem is glaring, in that even a cursory reading shows they stuck in arts. 2 thru 6 at a later time & for a different purpose from arts. 1, 7, 8, & 9. Some of the substance of what's in arts. 2 thru 6 used to be in rule 9, so I don't know whose bright idea it was to move it into the definitions, let alone to put it all under "blocking".