I don't disagree with any of you that say leave it alone! To me it's in the same boat as hairbows and ribbon color! But I enforce the rules as written, don't like them all but enforce them. For those that want the reference it was a point of emphasis in the NFHS 2011 rule book.
The 2011 NFHS Softball Rulebook Points of Emphasis is as Follows:
SPORTSMANSHIP. The NFHS disapproves of any form of behavior intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule or demean others. There have been instances noted nationally of the Public Address (PA) system being utilized to intimidate or “taunt” the visiting team by playing negative sound effects when specific opponents come to bat or the playing of “motivational” music only for the home team. When the PA system is used for announcements, introductions, sound effects, music, etc., the presentation should be as neutral as possible. Clear guidelines and expectations should be developed by school administrators and shared with the individuals serving in this capacity so presentations are not viewed as acts of intimidation.