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Old Mon May 11, 2015, 04:03pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by chapmaja View Post
Ok, fair enough. At what point when you have a lot of close plays that a coach might want to ask about do you say enough. I have a problem setting a number because each game is different. If the coach was asking about plays where the girl was very clearly safe and she wanted to dispute it, it would be one thing.
I'm not going to let a coach keep coming out and question plays that are not reasonable to question.
I guess I would say that 2 is my number (or less if he's a jerk about it). Because to me, there's really not a concept called "reasonable to question". Close plays happen all the time. Many times a game. It serves no purpose to ANYONE for a coach to come out of the dugout to complain about one. No matter how close. The first one, I'm probably ignoring. The 2nd one I'm addressing. Calmly but to the point. "Coach, we're not going to come out here and discuss every single close call."

Coming out to ask me to check for help on a pulled foot or swipe tag - fine. Coming out to ask me a question about a rule - also fine if done reasonably and succinctly.
Coming out for an explanation when something goes wonky or there's obstruction or interference, or some rare rule comes into play - also fine.

But stopping the game for every single one of the close plays that happen to go against him ... no.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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