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Old Mon May 11, 2015, 03:40pm
chapmaja chapmaja is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
You seem to be arguing in favor of taking more nonsense from coaches than anyone else would. I'm not sure I understand your motivation for that...

Also ... if you think there's nothing wrong with this guy's antics (note that EVERYONE here is telling you there is) --- why did you bring this question up in the first place.
Ok, fair enough. At what point when you have a lot of close plays that a coach might want to ask about do you say enough. I have a problem setting a number because each game is different. If the coach was asking about plays where the girl was very clearly safe and she wanted to dispute it, it would be one thing.

A couple plays that were disputed we seen differently by the other umpire. We each saw one that was called one way, but we saw it differently from the other umpire position.

By the time the injury time out had happened, the coach was on her "last" straw anyway and she knew it. She came out, said her piece, and immediately turned back to the dugout when she got the answer.

I'm not going to let a coach keep coming out and question plays that are not reasonable to question.
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