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Old Mon May 11, 2015, 02:15pm
teebob21 teebob21 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota View Post
I agree that seems to be the question.

Let's take the "I dunno" out of it and say it was a fair ball.

BR out by rule, so she is retired at the time of the interference (even if the IF is called late).

If the umpire judges that the fielder had a chance for a live ball appeal on one of the other runners, is the runner closest to home out?
I agree with your logic above, if it had been clearly fair. The batter is out when the fair ball reaches its apex, which it did before the INT, making it an easy INT by retired batter.

To me (as OP) the "I dunno" was the key part of the fustercluck. My partner's brain fell out, and when we conferenced, he DID NOT KNOW if the ball was fair or foul. It was like we had Schrödinger's Infield Fly. Before the INT, the runner was either out or still safe, but no one was certain of the state of the ball, and thus the state of the runner.

I did not judge that there was another play to be made on a runner, everyone was tagged up on the popup. Thank goodness: that would have made it even worse.
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Last edited by teebob21; Mon May 11, 2015 at 02:19pm.
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