Originally Posted by youngump
I'm thinking that calling R3 out here is just misreading the OP? BR interfered not any of the runners.
You are absolutely correct
As to the OP itself, we have this argument every so often and I thought we had settled a few times on: interference before the IF conditions are met nullifies the IF. (That is the ball was not fair yet so it wasn't an infield fly.) I have a vague memory of a rule or caseplay that says this but I'll have to look tomorrow unless someone else remembers the details.
Regardless of that, I'm sure that it cannot be correct that the determining factor in this call is when you call the batter-runner out.
I disagree. The IF is an IF. There is no method of circumventing the rule. You argue that if you cannot determine fair, it cannot be an IF. I argue that unless you can show it is foul, the IF is in effect. The status of a ball in flight when the play becomes dead is determined by its position at that time. A batted ball must be fair or foul, it cannot be an "I dunno"