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Old Sun May 10, 2015, 01:04am
kstiles99 kstiles99 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 70
Nfhs manual says say the whole number- I've always said(and will always say) the whole number when reporting. But.. It also says say the color and number directly after you call the foul- which I've never seen anyone do and I've never done (and will never do). The main thing I'm trying to work on during the offseason is my appearance- this includes losing weight, moving faster, better positioning as T (I have a bad habit of being a statue and backing out too early), and signaling.

Anyone else still signal blocking fouls with fists on hips instead of palms facing down??? I HATE the way the open palms look when you're trying to sell a blocking foul. The fists looks so much more crisp and believable. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
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