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Old Mon May 04, 2015, 01:07pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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I understand, but the phraseology of "what ever happened to..." implies to me that this is the "right" way. Not true, except in NCAA.

Personally, I will allow any substitute to be entered at any time for any player currently in the game. The change is official at that time. So, if the OC informs me of a change to what would be his fourth batter due up that inning, and only 3 batters bat before there are 3 outs, and then he wants to change his mind about #4, then its "coach, you want to re-enter your starter, correct?"

This has game flow and efficiency advantages and no disadvantages. If the coach does not know the numbers and names of the players on his team, not allowing the changes "at this time" won't fix that.

A projected change means there is an "if" or a "when" that delays the official change in the lineup in there somewhere. In my example, above, if the coach says "If we get to batter #4, I want to...", sorry, coach, no projected changes.
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