PC signal sequence
So I've been looking at a bunch of nfhs game footage and I've seen many versions of the PC foul signal. Most guys put about 10 short blasts of air in the whistle and come out with their left hand and kinda draw back and punch real energetically with their right fist. During camp they tell us to put in 1 short blast of air with a regular fist in the air. Then put the hand behind your head say "offensive" and point with that same hand in the other direction. So I'm really drawn between these two. The correct mechanic is the last one I described.. I know. But the first mechanic is easily understood by everyone, most officials do this, and it looks so much cooler. (I know we're not out there to look cool, but this motion looks more fluid and crisp)
So tell me what you think, and what you do in your games! Thanks.