1, if you judged the ball was not on the fair side or over the top of the foul pole as the ball cleared the fence then it is a foul ball.
2, the coach gave you a substitution, it was accepted, reported and the ball was put back into play. It is an official substitution and the coach has to live with it.
3, the first thrown bat as long as it didnt interfere with the play is a team warning, second offense for anyone on the team is a restriction to the bench.
4, yes illegal pitch, ball on batter and advance base runners.
5, the defense is responsible for knowing the situation and making the appropriate play. The advance of the base runner should have stood. Nothing in the rule book calls for a dead ball and returning the runner to the prior base. Based on your description of the play there should have been no call, but if the plate umpire was going to rule interference and a dead ball, the batter is already out, the runner closest to home would be called out. But again, this is not interference.