I was the tournament UIC and this particular situation was described to me for discussion. It was not called illegal by the PU on the field, but he and the BU disagreed and brought it to me. I did not see it as this pitcher only pitched for one inning and I was occupied elsewhere.....I ruled it as legal and here is my rationale:
I know what the pitching rules say about a stop or reversal of the forward motion or stopping the motion to pitch. My contention is that neither of these apply. As has been stated, there has been no forward motion, so 6-3-C is out. 6-3-A states that the pitcher can't make a motion to pitch without delivering the ball to the batter. I don't see where that has been violated either. 6-2 defines the starting point of the pitch as the hands coming together and separating, however in the pitch described, her pitching motion has not started until she takes the ball off of her hip and goes into her windup. My rationale for not calling this illegal is that the pitch has started, but her pitching motion has not
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!