We actually had a warning issued on this yesterday by the plate umpire. Batter carelessly released a bat back towards the on deck circle where it hit the leg of her team mate. The umpire issued a warning for throwing the bat.
I did have an ejection/restriction for a thrown bat in Rec ball (6th grade) a couple years ago. Warned the girl on her first at bat. Warned her again on her second at bat. Third at bat the bat comes out of her hands and comes back to hit the catch. After the play I went down to the head coach (and told her he needed a replacement runner for the last batter). The coach understood, by I thought I was going to have the child's father come on the field to protest. Our rules say ejection, but it is poorly worded and the ejection related suspension was overturned (Ejected = suspended 1 game). The rule was then changed to require a restriction to the dugout, not an ejection.
Two seasons ago I thought I was going to have an interference call on a thrown bat interference until I realized the batter was holding the handle of the bat as she came down to first. The composite bat (which was brand new), separated and the barrel went flying with the handle in the batters hand. That took some explaining to the defensive coach who was PO'ed that interference wasn't called when his F5 got hit while fielding a ground ball.
We had a pissed parent in that game too. Pissed that the new $300.00 bat he bought his DD broke very quickly.