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Old Tue Apr 21, 2015, 09:56am
David Emerling David Emerling is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I'm happy to get it right...the right way. This isn't the right way.

Why don't you call check swing strikes without being asked as the BU?
... because the rules specifically mention the teams being able to demand (OBR) or request (FED) a "2nd opinion" on a checked swing. It is a customary part of the game. That is not the case with a HBP. So, it's up to the umpires to come up with some way of "getting it right".

As the BU, do you call foul balls that hit off the foot of the batter without being asked even though the PU is standing 5-feet from the event? I really do not see the big difference. Like I said, it's a briefing item. If you and I were working together you could simply say, "I'm not making that call - you'll have to ask me." I'd be fine with that. Of course, I wouldn't ask you unless one team started grumbling about my no-call. "Blue! That ball hit him!" ... and then what? I must come to you? I should come to you? I should stick with my no-call? All we are really adding is the element of grumbling prior to "getting it right".
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