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Old Mon Apr 20, 2015, 02:35pm
David Emerling David Emerling is offline
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Location: Germantown, TN (east of Memphis)
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Originally Posted by refinks View Post
Here's my question, as the base umpire, if you have definitive knowledge that a third strike was uncaught, do you give your partner help right away? I've been told yes by some and no by some. I know this situation may depend on the umpire, but is there a mechanic that the base umpire should use?
I think this is a critical pre-game briefing item between the umpires.

Whenever I work the plate, another thing I brief my partner is that if he thinks the pitch hit the batter to go ahead and call it immediately - even if I do not call it; because, quite frankly, for those pitches in the dirt near the batter's feet, it's difficult to see whether the ball clipped the runner on the leg or may have hit his pants. The catcher often blocks the PU's view of this. If my partner sees the pitch hit the batter I want him to *immediately* call it in much the same way as he would call a foul ball off the batter's foot. I have had no complaints about this as most everybody accepts that the BU has a pretty good view of this - especially when he is in the "B" or "C" position.
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