Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
No, baseball is not the odd ruling. Allowing the B/R to over run 1B when first trying to acquire 1B on a batted ball or an uncut third strike is a logical rule because it allows the B/R to run as fast as possible without attempting to go to another base. It is not logical for a B/R to be allowed to over run 1B on a walk because the B/R is being awarded 1B for being walked; in this case there is not reason for a B/R to over run 1B except to attempt to go to 2B.
Therefore I submit to you that the NFHS Softball rule is the oddball rule.
MTD, Sr.
Compare this rule for every baseball and softball sanctioning body you can think of, from the Little Leagues to the Major Leagues.
How many prohibit a batter-runner from overrunning first base on a walk?
Just one that I know of. So I'd call that single one the odd man out!