Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
No, baseball is not the odd ruling. Allowing the B/R to over run 1B when first trying to acquire 1B on a batted ball or an uncut third strike is a logical rule because it allows the B/R to run as fast as possible without attempting to go to another base. It is not logical for a B/R to be allowed to over run 1B on a walk because the B/R is being awarded 1B for being walked; in this case there is not reason for a B/R to over run 1B except to attempt to go to 2B.
Therefore I submit to you that the NFHS Softball rule is the oddball rule.
MTD, Sr.
OBR (and its derivatives) and NCAA allow the overrun on a BB. Apparent;y SB does too. So as far as I can tell FED baseball is the ONLY place you cannot.
If ball 4 is a WP do you not want to run to 1B on the chance your 1B coach will send you to 2B? So if he holds you why not be able to overrun as a recovery?