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Old Wed Apr 08, 2015, 01:00pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
I work for the schools, but I couldn't imagine anyone complaining that they were sent a female official. I'm just trying to imagine that conversation. Personally, I've scheduled females for some of the toughest male coaches to work for that I have. Doesn't bother me a bit if they don't like it, either -- cause they likely won't officially say anything about it.
If you remember, someone here in the forums who works for an association in another part of my state posted that his association was told (off the record, of course), not to send female officials to work BV games. And he said his association leadership would adhere to the request for fear of losing the contract.

And I used to have a female co-worker who is also a HS official. She had worked the GV portion of a GV/BV DH. In the BV game, a member of the crew who came into the game ill had to bow out after the 1st quarter, so she volunteered to step in. After the game, she called her assignor to let him know the situation, and she got reprimanded for stepping into the game. The gist of the conversation was that females do not work BV in that association.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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